818 883-6969

$395 in Palmdale/Lancaster,
or only $145 about an hour south!

You should know:

During a Palmdale polygraph test or a Lancaster polygraph exam, we are recording microscopic changes to blood volume, skin conductance, upper breathing and lower breathing, as the examinee responds to a rehearsed 10-question script.

The examinee needs to sit very still. Answering yes or no with his/her mouth only, not with any head movement. Answering all questions at the same volume.

One to four key questions from the client will be used as the heart of the exam. Be sure that each question is no more than 19 words long each, that the questions have no 'and' or 'or' in them, and that there are no 'softening' words (we don't say 'affair' or 'sleep with'; we say 'have sex with' or 'have sexual contact with').

The computer instantly and accurately scores the charts in between each test, so we will know which questions they did good on and did bad on, before we go on to the next test chart 5 minutes later.

If all guidelines and instructions are followed, we can expect in the area of 95% accuracy.



Polygraph Examinations
for the
Palmdale-Lancaster area

Need a polygraph test in the Antelope Valley CA Palmdale
Need a Palmdale or Lancaster polygraph examiner:
Read the secrets at

It includes tips to protect you & save you money.

polygraph Palmale

Serving Palmdale, Lancaster, Quartz Hill, Acton, Lebec,
Bakersfield, Frazier Park, and other nearby cities;
$395 in Palmdale/Lancaster
or only $145 about an hour south!

Lancaster and palmdale polygraph examinations

Just a simple site to explain what to expect,
and how to make lie-detection work for you!

lie detector Lancaster Polygraph

Verify first that:

1 . . . your exam will be done on a modern $6000 computerized polygraph instrument, NOT on an old antique 'roll of chart paper with 4 pens'. You want the accuracy and sensitivity of a computerized instrument, and you want a computer to blindly score the test charts (you do not want a human to be doing the scoring, someone who can miss something or can be biased to be too easy or too hard).

2 . . . the accuser/client (spouse or victim) would be allowed, if desired, to quietly monitor the entire exam from an out-of-examinee's-view area or from a remote area.

3 . . . your examinee will be tested 3 times in a row, using standard 10-question charts (best for accuracy); with 20 seconds in between each question it means he/she will actually be 'on the polygraph' for 3 five-minute periods, with a short break in between each.

4 . . . you are permitted to arrive with the 4 key questions you would like to have asked during the exam. Have them written out, put plenty of thought into them. If you think that your situation needs more than 4 questions to cover it, speak to your examiner about this ahead of time.

relationship polygraph in Palmdale


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Getting the truth for you

Polygraph is the world's most accurate lie-detection tool.

Palmdale lie detector

In virtually every city in the United States, you can not become a police officer without first passing a polygraph examination.
Continual improvements in polygraph technique and instrumentation has increased the ability to pinpoint truth and lies better than just a decade ago.

take the best polygraph in Lancaster

But not all have the same training & experience.
Contact us for a free consultation to see the difference.

One piece of advice, no matter what examiner you use,
NEVER agree to pay a deposit fee to make an appointment.
It's a trap, it's an insult, it's the sign that examiner is an amateur.

polygraph test in Palmdale

Below Magic Mountain,
south of the 405/1take a polygraph test in Palmdale18 junction,
a polygraph test is $145.

Our staff of experienced Palmdale/Lancaster lie-detection professionals
are available to serve you days, nights, and weekends, at
our locations or at your residence or business location.